A Live-Magazine of IETians….
(Year:2,Vol.:4 ,Jan-March 2006)
Institure of Engineering & Technology, Alwar, India
Institure of Engineering & Technology, Alwar, India
“Try to become VERY GOOD but not the BEST”
Baljinder Singh
4th yr. (EC)
The quintessence of whole thesis on “Art of Living” can be said in few words as “one should try to be very good but never for being the best”. It sounds very strange but this is what should be followed in every aspect of life. Through these words I intend to indicate that just choose your own trendz, your own ambitions, your own demands & work accordingly without staring at the faces of others. Here “Very Good” echoes that you should make every effort knowing your limitations & your strengths effectively and then expect for self pleasing results. Our satisfaction is what keeps us stable and provides the greatest happiness, but if one aspires to be the best (no one else could be better than him) then he starts thinking about others and his happiness becomes relative. This pressure really reduces his potential and some important cells of his brain get engaged by such viruses. Although being at the top makes you delighted but it’s a momentary happiness and drops you in a climate like ‘A candle in the wind’.
There is a prevalent tale told by Punjabi saints. It’s about a bird named ‘CHAKOR’.It is said that this bird is crazy in he attraction of moon’s shining light. Aiming the moon, it just flies toward it, in same struggle its heart stops beating and it dies. It never cares about its surroundings. The story proves a reality also said as “ A man is never defeated but killed”.
Try to be like that Chakor, no doubt you are really powerful and can do marvelous deeds, but keep in mind that way of doing deeds should be pure, sacred and aimful.Just finish it if your inner side permits you and then never think upon what you have done. It is really merciful seeing people locking the stable door when the horse is stolen.
So leave thinking about thinking about others , let the people think about you. Just take your next step according to your own choice and let no one govern you. Don’t be the part of that helpless mass, who from the fear of result restrains itself from playing a tune.
Are you afraid of success?
Er. Meenakshi Singh
Lecturer , Deptt. of EE
Think twice before you trash the very notion.
But you always thought that everyone wants to be successful in whatever they do! Right? Think again. Take a look at yourself. How often have you wished you looked like your role model/favourite star/the most admired girl in you campus?
Haven’t you often thought how perfect life would be if you were them instead of who you are? There’s nothing to be ashamed o – we all think that way at some time or the other!
Even the most successful people in the world started by wishining they were something other than themselves. In fact, that primary aspiration is the first step towards any accomplisent!
Ok, so what’s this about?
What are the talking about here? It’s okay to aspire, to be like someone other and to want something better out of life, what’s the point o this discussion?
Because most of us stop at the first step.
We try to emulate our object of admiration with such desperate intensity s to become clones – either of fashionable icons or popular schools of thoughts. When we ‘outgrow’ one set of socially/politically correct postures, we dive into the next
For people in glamorous high profile fields like entertainent and circket. There is a natural tendency in newcomers to pattern themselves on their idol.
But later, with practice and recognition they develop confidence in their own abilities and thus develop their own style. Hrithik roshan used to imitate Michael Jackson as a child! Michael Jackson must’ve had his own icons too. Virendra sehwag clearly mirrors sachin ( Tendulkar). So, you own idols but had they stopped growing,
Be the star of your production got the guts to be you
Each one of us has a unique combination of qualities, like a bank vault has a unique combination of secret numbers. It is what makes us one of a kind. This is the second step – and a vital one – towards fulfilling our dreams.
There can only be one star in the “story of you life: - you!
Once we accept that we are unique, we’ll find the steps leading towards our goals automatically:
Seven Steps : S – sacrifice,
U – Uniqueness,
C – Choices,
C – Change
E – Energy,
S – seriousness,
S – Sincerity
But this isn’t as easy as it sounds. We need courage to project ourselves just the way we are. Kiran Bedi dared to tread where no other Indian women had before.
We need courage to say ’no’ to influences that debilitate our positive energy, to friends or fashion or ‘politically correct’ stances, which we do not agree with.
And that takes a helluva lot of guts! Because, doing that means ‘standing out, it means losing the comfort and security of being’ part of the crowd.’ It means singled out as ‘being different’.
But these are the very things that successful people face, even more so after becoming successful.
So, although, one part of us craves recognition, admiration and a sense of achievement, another part hesitates to commit wholeheartedly to our goal.
It’s like when you can’t wait to be counted and adult, but don’t want to cope with numerous adult responsibilities just yet. It’s like that time you keyed in over 10,000 words of a story and then stopped abruptly because the enormous reality of actually becoming an another at the age of 10, made you “feel funny” in front of your friends.
` success is a hard taskmaster – we know that. So we are afraid.
There’s too much we will have to change about ourselves-within and around us. We will have to make conscious life-altering choices starting with our personal habits, friends, routine. We know this too. So we are afraid. But you can do it if you be yourself. Stay focused on your personal goal. And enhance you r own unique individuality. Start with two words. Say to yourself, ‘I WILL’.
Some who made it.
Abdul Kalam : A batman’s son who became the president of India.
Sudha Chandran : A dancer and now a popular actress with an artificial leg.
Sabeer Bhatia : A kid with a great money-spinner idea.
Sushmita Sen : A girl who studied in a Hindi medium school and barely spoke English, but won the miss universe title.
Dhirubhai Ambani : A gas station attendant who rewrote tycoon history.
J K Rowling : A Single mom, struggling to make ends meet, who went on to create Harry-Potter, the most famous hero children’s fiction has ever seen.
Irfan Pathan : Who is the son of an ordinary man, just became a successful bowler of India.
Why not to bunk lectures ……
Er. Shruti Priyam
Lecturer , Deptt. of ECE
Friends, as an undergraduate student, I used to bunk lectures like a many of you, since I did not realize what am I losing by not attending the classes. Have you noticed one thing? We don’t forget what we talk with our friends or hear from some one, but we do forget some important points of the subject we read, why? The reason is simple….
We can remember things quickly, which we hear, than things we read. Hence you can understand and memorize a topic in lesser time if you attend the class, than doing it yourself. If I talk about my personal experience, I require 50% less time to prepare a topic if I attend the class. Make a habit to note what is going in the class, not because they are not given in the textbook but because you don’t lose concentration. By doing so, some important technical terms will be store d in you database forever.
Let me share one more experience with you.
Once I had my BE exams. On the day of exam, one of my friends asked me some doubt. I felt that I was not sure, so my friend and I solved it together. And that topic was in the question paper. I was able to write it more nicely because I discussed it with my friend. On the day, I realized that it’s realty worth sparing half a day discussing some important points with you colleagues.
So friends, give this a thought.
SMS Corner
Sh. D. R. Gupta
PA to Chairman
1. Last Night thinking of you, one tear rolled out.
I asked it, way are you out?
Tear said, there is someone so beautiful in your eyes, there is no place for me.
2. When you touch to feel. Its desire!!
When you touch and don’t feel its ignorance!!
When you don’t touch and feel its love!!
3. Dictionary is only place where,
Death comes before life.
Success comes before work,
Divorce comes before marriage,
But friend comes before relatives.
4. When you find your self in a dark room,
With vibrating wall, fall of blood surrounding you,
Then don’t affried, you are at the safest place,
You are in my heart
5. Exams are like girlfriend.
1. Too many questions.
2. Difficult to understand.
3. More explanation always needed.
4. Result is always not up to the mark.
6. What is the full from of a, b, c, d, f. g. h.?
A boy can do everything for girl heart!!
वो जब भी मिला हॆ मुझे,
4th yr. (EC)
The quintessence of whole thesis on “Art of Living” can be said in few words as “one should try to be very good but never for being the best”. It sounds very strange but this is what should be followed in every aspect of life. Through these words I intend to indicate that just choose your own trendz, your own ambitions, your own demands & work accordingly without staring at the faces of others. Here “Very Good” echoes that you should make every effort knowing your limitations & your strengths effectively and then expect for self pleasing results. Our satisfaction is what keeps us stable and provides the greatest happiness, but if one aspires to be the best (no one else could be better than him) then he starts thinking about others and his happiness becomes relative. This pressure really reduces his potential and some important cells of his brain get engaged by such viruses. Although being at the top makes you delighted but it’s a momentary happiness and drops you in a climate like ‘A candle in the wind’.
There is a prevalent tale told by Punjabi saints. It’s about a bird named ‘CHAKOR’.It is said that this bird is crazy in he attraction of moon’s shining light. Aiming the moon, it just flies toward it, in same struggle its heart stops beating and it dies. It never cares about its surroundings. The story proves a reality also said as “ A man is never defeated but killed”.
Try to be like that Chakor, no doubt you are really powerful and can do marvelous deeds, but keep in mind that way of doing deeds should be pure, sacred and aimful.Just finish it if your inner side permits you and then never think upon what you have done. It is really merciful seeing people locking the stable door when the horse is stolen.
So leave thinking about thinking about others , let the people think about you. Just take your next step according to your own choice and let no one govern you. Don’t be the part of that helpless mass, who from the fear of result restrains itself from playing a tune.
Are you afraid of success?
Er. Meenakshi Singh
Lecturer , Deptt. of EE
Think twice before you trash the very notion.
But you always thought that everyone wants to be successful in whatever they do! Right? Think again. Take a look at yourself. How often have you wished you looked like your role model/favourite star/the most admired girl in you campus?
Haven’t you often thought how perfect life would be if you were them instead of who you are? There’s nothing to be ashamed o – we all think that way at some time or the other!
Even the most successful people in the world started by wishining they were something other than themselves. In fact, that primary aspiration is the first step towards any accomplisent!
Ok, so what’s this about?
What are the talking about here? It’s okay to aspire, to be like someone other and to want something better out of life, what’s the point o this discussion?
Because most of us stop at the first step.
We try to emulate our object of admiration with such desperate intensity s to become clones – either of fashionable icons or popular schools of thoughts. When we ‘outgrow’ one set of socially/politically correct postures, we dive into the next
For people in glamorous high profile fields like entertainent and circket. There is a natural tendency in newcomers to pattern themselves on their idol.
But later, with practice and recognition they develop confidence in their own abilities and thus develop their own style. Hrithik roshan used to imitate Michael Jackson as a child! Michael Jackson must’ve had his own icons too. Virendra sehwag clearly mirrors sachin ( Tendulkar). So, you own idols but had they stopped growing,
Be the star of your production got the guts to be you
Each one of us has a unique combination of qualities, like a bank vault has a unique combination of secret numbers. It is what makes us one of a kind. This is the second step – and a vital one – towards fulfilling our dreams.
There can only be one star in the “story of you life: - you!
Once we accept that we are unique, we’ll find the steps leading towards our goals automatically:
Seven Steps : S – sacrifice,
U – Uniqueness,
C – Choices,
C – Change
E – Energy,
S – seriousness,
S – Sincerity
But this isn’t as easy as it sounds. We need courage to project ourselves just the way we are. Kiran Bedi dared to tread where no other Indian women had before.
We need courage to say ’no’ to influences that debilitate our positive energy, to friends or fashion or ‘politically correct’ stances, which we do not agree with.
And that takes a helluva lot of guts! Because, doing that means ‘standing out, it means losing the comfort and security of being’ part of the crowd.’ It means singled out as ‘being different’.
But these are the very things that successful people face, even more so after becoming successful.
So, although, one part of us craves recognition, admiration and a sense of achievement, another part hesitates to commit wholeheartedly to our goal.
It’s like when you can’t wait to be counted and adult, but don’t want to cope with numerous adult responsibilities just yet. It’s like that time you keyed in over 10,000 words of a story and then stopped abruptly because the enormous reality of actually becoming an another at the age of 10, made you “feel funny” in front of your friends.
` success is a hard taskmaster – we know that. So we are afraid.
There’s too much we will have to change about ourselves-within and around us. We will have to make conscious life-altering choices starting with our personal habits, friends, routine. We know this too. So we are afraid. But you can do it if you be yourself. Stay focused on your personal goal. And enhance you r own unique individuality. Start with two words. Say to yourself, ‘I WILL’.
Some who made it.
Abdul Kalam : A batman’s son who became the president of India.
Sudha Chandran : A dancer and now a popular actress with an artificial leg.
Sabeer Bhatia : A kid with a great money-spinner idea.
Sushmita Sen : A girl who studied in a Hindi medium school and barely spoke English, but won the miss universe title.
Dhirubhai Ambani : A gas station attendant who rewrote tycoon history.
J K Rowling : A Single mom, struggling to make ends meet, who went on to create Harry-Potter, the most famous hero children’s fiction has ever seen.
Irfan Pathan : Who is the son of an ordinary man, just became a successful bowler of India.
Why not to bunk lectures ……
Er. Shruti Priyam
Lecturer , Deptt. of ECE
Friends, as an undergraduate student, I used to bunk lectures like a many of you, since I did not realize what am I losing by not attending the classes. Have you noticed one thing? We don’t forget what we talk with our friends or hear from some one, but we do forget some important points of the subject we read, why? The reason is simple….
We can remember things quickly, which we hear, than things we read. Hence you can understand and memorize a topic in lesser time if you attend the class, than doing it yourself. If I talk about my personal experience, I require 50% less time to prepare a topic if I attend the class. Make a habit to note what is going in the class, not because they are not given in the textbook but because you don’t lose concentration. By doing so, some important technical terms will be store d in you database forever.
Let me share one more experience with you.
Once I had my BE exams. On the day of exam, one of my friends asked me some doubt. I felt that I was not sure, so my friend and I solved it together. And that topic was in the question paper. I was able to write it more nicely because I discussed it with my friend. On the day, I realized that it’s realty worth sparing half a day discussing some important points with you colleagues.
So friends, give this a thought.
SMS Corner
Sh. D. R. Gupta
PA to Chairman
1. Last Night thinking of you, one tear rolled out.
I asked it, way are you out?
Tear said, there is someone so beautiful in your eyes, there is no place for me.
2. When you touch to feel. Its desire!!
When you touch and don’t feel its ignorance!!
When you don’t touch and feel its love!!
3. Dictionary is only place where,
Death comes before life.
Success comes before work,
Divorce comes before marriage,
But friend comes before relatives.
4. When you find your self in a dark room,
With vibrating wall, fall of blood surrounding you,
Then don’t affried, you are at the safest place,
You are in my heart
5. Exams are like girlfriend.
1. Too many questions.
2. Difficult to understand.
3. More explanation always needed.
4. Result is always not up to the mark.
6. What is the full from of a, b, c, d, f. g. h.?
A boy can do everything for girl heart!!
वो जब भी मिला हॆ मुझे,
जिन्दगी से परेशान मिला हॆ.
उसके चेहरे पर खिंची थी
रेखाएँ बहुत सी
कहने को वो अंधेरे में मिला था मुझे.
दर्द अब उसको किसी का आता नहीं
वो तो अपनों से ही
छला मिला हॆ मुझे.
बहुत दिनों से जब वो नहीं मिला
तो मॆं ही चल पडा उधर,
पर गली में आज उसकी,
सन्नाटा नहीं मिला मुझे.
मिलने गया था मॆं जिससे,
आज साथ उसके जमाना था,
क्योंकि वो नहीं -
उसk जनाजा मिला था मुझे.....
-प्रिया भाटी
प्रवक्ता, गणित विभाग
Seema Nagwani
IInd Year EC
· Salesman
Once in a lifetime often, to get your self the original, genuine article, one of the most handsome and smartest bachelors around is now looking for a wife. And you could be the lucky one he chooses! Has his own house, car & successful career.
· Mathematician
Wife required to complete the formula of my life. Must be numerate and understand complex algebraic logarithms. Needed to help further my family unit.
· IT Consultant
Well there is a definite room for improvement in my life. Thespeed of my current flows of information and processes is slowing down and the infection of a wife into my life is bound to improve it efficiently. Compatibility could be an issue
· Car Dealer
Wanted a sturdy, reliable, low depreciating wife. Should be in excellent working condition
· Lawyer
I hereby propose to solicit myself as an eligible condidate for the post of husband after marriage. The person whom I’m looking for should be strictly a girl, with equidence to support this view that she is a firl, the firl should b3e willing to surrender to the service and jurisdiction of my lord-ie. My self. Any objection would be overruled and will not be sustained.
· Pilot
Wife required to complete my life. Only level headed applicants considered. She must not have her head in the clouds, but have her feet firmly on the ground.
· Banker
Wanted wife who takes interest in me and credits me with her services,
· Astronaut
I’am searching for a wife to fill the space in my life. Someone to share my universe, must have looks that are out of this world,
Seema Nagwani
IInd Year EC
· Physics
Be dynamic in thought
Be static in mind
Be optic in observance
Be electric in deeds
Be sound in character
Than, you’ll be a magnetic personality
· Chemistry
Taste the salt of brotherly love
Add concentrated affection to it
Filler out jealousy and anger
Cool it under pressure
You’ll than get the precipitate of true happiness.
· Geometry
With god as the center
And love as the radius
Draw the circle of life.
· Mathematics
Add you friends
Subtract you enemies
Multiply your merits
Divide yours sorrows
दो ताजा गजलें
-प्रिया भाटी
प्रवक्ता, गणित विभाग
Seema Nagwani
IInd Year EC
· Salesman
Once in a lifetime often, to get your self the original, genuine article, one of the most handsome and smartest bachelors around is now looking for a wife. And you could be the lucky one he chooses! Has his own house, car & successful career.
· Mathematician
Wife required to complete the formula of my life. Must be numerate and understand complex algebraic logarithms. Needed to help further my family unit.
· IT Consultant
Well there is a definite room for improvement in my life. Thespeed of my current flows of information and processes is slowing down and the infection of a wife into my life is bound to improve it efficiently. Compatibility could be an issue
· Car Dealer
Wanted a sturdy, reliable, low depreciating wife. Should be in excellent working condition
· Lawyer
I hereby propose to solicit myself as an eligible condidate for the post of husband after marriage. The person whom I’m looking for should be strictly a girl, with equidence to support this view that she is a firl, the firl should b3e willing to surrender to the service and jurisdiction of my lord-ie. My self. Any objection would be overruled and will not be sustained.
· Pilot
Wife required to complete my life. Only level headed applicants considered. She must not have her head in the clouds, but have her feet firmly on the ground.
· Banker
Wanted wife who takes interest in me and credits me with her services,
· Astronaut
I’am searching for a wife to fill the space in my life. Someone to share my universe, must have looks that are out of this world,
Seema Nagwani
IInd Year EC
· Physics
Be dynamic in thought
Be static in mind
Be optic in observance
Be electric in deeds
Be sound in character
Than, you’ll be a magnetic personality
· Chemistry
Taste the salt of brotherly love
Add concentrated affection to it
Filler out jealousy and anger
Cool it under pressure
You’ll than get the precipitate of true happiness.
· Geometry
With god as the center
And love as the radius
Draw the circle of life.
· Mathematics
Add you friends
Subtract you enemies
Multiply your merits
Divide yours sorrows
दो ताजा गजलें
ये नींदों में चलने वाले,
आगे नहीं निकलने वाले.
सूरत क्या, अब आईने भी,
होंगे रूप बदलने वाले.
सपने जाने कब आएँगे,
छत पर रोज टहलने वाले.
आँख दिखाएँगे हम ही को,
खॆरातों पर पलने वाले.
हमको कॊन सम्हाल सका हॆ,
हम हॆं स्वयं सम्हलने वाले.
अपने जख्मों की आब रख लेना,
कोई इन पर नकाब रख लेना.
हो भी सकता हॆ जानलेवा वो-
अपने गम का हिसाब रख लेना.
फ़िर ना उठ आए कल तलब उसकी,
एहतियातन शराब रख लेना.
मजहबों में खुदई यकसां हॆ,
चाहे जो भी किताब रख लेना.
वो ना मालूम कब चला आए,
कोई लिखकर जवाब रख लेना.
उसके पहलू में पुँछ ना जाए कहीं,
चुटकी भर तुम हिजाब रख लेना.
वो भी लॊटेगा एक दिन 'संजय',
तुम भी अपना शबाब रख लेना.
-संजय विद्रोही
The Story of Today’s Man
Hunny Restogi
IInd Year EC
“When I look at the world I am pessimistic
but when I look at people I am optimistic”
This statement is not only a statement it is true image of today’s world, today’s thinking. Have we ever think it of why is like that !!
This is the big question mark on us !!
And only we have the answer of this question. God make people & he fill so many good things in them like an “Artist who fill very attractive color in his painting to give it a very nice look. Here good things are like truth emotions, helping nature etc. but what we have done with it. !!”
Now we forgotten all these things because now we only think for ourselves. We are becoming selfish. We have made this world like a dark well of water where everybody is ready to fill his bucket as room as possible. Means to make his gain. From this world or from people. We are becoming like animals. There is no end of all their things because we are living in a false believe. We don’t know the reality of our life. We don’t know the meaning of true happiness one thing which we forget often that :-
“Our attitude towards life
Determine life’s attitude towards us “
Means if we hate others, they will return hate to us & we forget one more thing is that
“As you sow , so shall you reap”
you know god gives us wonderful things that our eyes to see this wonderful world, to see this earth like paradise, to see love, friendship brotherhood among people corruption among people “ these things are opposite to the ingredients of pessimistic.” If all there things are going to the right direction than everyone would be happy.
Are our eyes to see these things??
So, conclusion is that we should try to change ourselves that we can became eligible to lie in this pessimistic world.
Nidhi Chandra
IInd Yr. CE
As we all witness that god is the supreme creator of this world and he has created the entire world with a great fist and passion god who is the G-generator, O-Operator and D-Destroyer of his own supreme creation. When he can create us how can we deny his will of creation?
Creativity is the beautiful gift of god with which every human has from bestowed but the field of each and everyone various. A person’s alrtity to generate new ideas or to conceive two perspectives on existing ideas to called creativity in my opinion. It can also be said that connecting and rearranging knowledge in mind of peoples who allow themselves to think flexibly in order to generate novel and often surprising ideas that are judge by others as useful
According to me the word CREATE itself means-
C – Catchy
R – reasonable
E – effective
A - appreciably
T – thoughts and
E – Evolutions.
Though creativity is gift of god but one can enhance anything if he really wants to for improving your creativity one should be open to all spontaneity and serendipity and should improve one’s visualizing power. And should listen and follow his/her institution. For any particular creation one should think of ideas coming in his/her mind immediately and then choose, prioritize and analyze the thoughts in effective and attractive manner. By practice, dedication, devotion and determination there is nothing in this world, which is difficult target to be achieved. So creativity is not at all any difficult task to be achieved. As napolean bonaport himself explained “Impossible is a word found in
Dictionary of fools”. Little efforts of any one can put the “ball of success in his court”
In this competitive world of today it is very necessary for us to be creative there is a tough competition in every field and success depends upon the fact that how nicely, fatefully and impressively you show your creativity in any field., now, is the time of survival of the fittest so to be successful and a leading personality one should have creative skills and those who look creativity are left behind so they should try to accept the challenge and need of being creative and join the race.
At last, creativity is the stage in the progress of solving problems in which imagination is encouraged to soar in the search of total new and innovative ideas.
Tarandeep kaur gill
IInd Year EC
If you think you are beaten, you are,
If u thinks u dare not you don’t
If you like to win but u think u can’t
It’s almost certain u won’t
If u think you’ll lose, u r lost
For out of world we find.
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It is all in the state of mind.
If u think u r classed, u r
U have got to think high to rise,
U have got to be sure of yourself before
U can ever win a prize
Life is a battle don’t always go
To the stroger or faster man
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who think he can
You should live your life in a
Way it is mend to be
Lived so that, at the
End of it, you
Could say to
Anyone“GO TO HELL”
Each one of us can’t be great & do great thinks but we can certainly do short things greatly.
Never be affected by critic because he is man we known the path but can’t drive the car.
Progress comes from confidence which is rested in pride and born out of knowledge
A Report
Rahul (III Year)
Nikhil Vij (II Year)
In shadow of the above thought, the buzz was seen among all the dignitaries and tyros for the most preeminent event which has always followed the traditional success. The occasion which enlightened the sagacity of competition among the skilled was expressed as ‘TECH-ECSTASY’06’.
The event exemplified a colossal view of both Technical and Cultural utility which were termed as TECH-FIESTA and CULTURAL RHAPSODY. Tech –Fiesta was integrated with the events like Debate, Creative Writing, Paper Presentation, Group Discussion, Virtual Stock Market, Multimedia Quiz, Extempore, JAM and Software Presentation. The Cultural Rhapsody was incorporated with events like Skit, Talent Hunt, Rangoli, Collage, Poster Making, Group Song, Group Dance, Solo Song and Theme Show. Shibboleth and Funtoosh were the special events which accompanied the occasion.
The launching ceremony of TECH-ECSTASY’06 held on 2nd February 2006. During the launching ceremony a brief ovating tips were forwarded by our chairperson Dr. V.K Agarwal initially and further, a prologue about TECH-ECSTASY’06 was acquainted with guidelines by our treasured leader.
The First day witnessed Debate and Creative Writing embossing the morning session and garnishing the evening melodrama with Rangoli, Collage, Poster Making, Talent Hunt, Skit and Solo Song.
Under the technical aspects, Debate is simply pondering over an issue regarding its pros and cons. To debate over a subject emanates the imaginings over the concerned matter. Debatist battled over the question that “Will India Benefit By Giving Voting Rights To The NRI’s”.
The debatists conferred in favour or in against and were put to test under stack of queries from the grandees and whole-hearted audience. Later, with the next event, the innovating ideas of the contestants were engraved in Creative Writing on the subject “Sin Confessed Is Half Forgiven”. The participants originated their thoughts on the topic given.
The graceful evening was initiated with Rangoli, Collage and Poster Making where partakers drafted a design in Rangoli. For Collage, the participants breezed over the theme “A REASON TO SMILE”. In the murky evening the events of Talent Hunt, Skit & Solo Song were engaged in recreation. Talent Hunt included Solo Dance, Mono Acting & Mimicry whereas in Skit the thespians showed their entertaining capabilities. Further for Solo Song the accent of voice was dogged & the fascinating voices were pushed on to the next round. All-in-all the meticulous spectators got immense pleasure from the splendid evening.
After the sun transpired on the second day, Paper Presentation & Group discussion brunted the occasion with technical sensation. As the life is all about surviving & making best out of every opportunity, as the rule of universe knowledge is power but expressing it is more imperative. This could be done through Paper Presentation. With the use of best technology available the contenders in duo presented their knowledge on their up taken subject. Knowledge does not has a specific identity in one turf rather is required universally. One event which is partial is group discussion. “A Cluster Is Never Pleasing Until There Is No Blast”. The participants were alienated in groups of six & the topics given for argument were completely general. All the participants brawled over to keep their list of thrust.
The delightful environment was framed with the events of SHIBBOLETH & FUNTOOSH. As all good things are done in a theme, tackling a situation in this capricious world is not viable without a team effort. This SHIBBOLETH (Tag Team) event is all about team work. Twelve teams contended the event & certain Physio- Mental Exercises were appointed to each team in fixed stretch of time.
Within the same span of time another event which whined the spectators was FUNTOOSH. As the name suggests, certain doable funny tasks were prearranged for the participants like wearing newspapers, inserting straws in hair, mud race etc. Spot on entries were taken during the event which graced it further.
The exceptional arena outshine the shadows fro the events – Theme Show, Group dance & Solo Song. The presentation of the Theme with Different outfits in form of a fashion show is the charm of the above underlined spot mark. Some of the twinkling themes were Patriotism, Drought etc. The bouncy efforts & hard work of the groups engross the audience. Simultaneously some groups whacked the stage with their dance. In between the selected Solo Song contestants were again put to test for their tone of voice & at last the ended with marvelous concert.
The third day was glorified by Virtual Stock Market (VSM) & Multimedia Quiz geared up for the start. The clandestine beauty of Tech Ecstasy’06 appeared in the event VSM, which was related to a requirement- Money. It doesn’t matter how you earn but what matters is how you manage it. VSM was a Stock market game where some prescribed data was being shown on the projector. The data was varying as the net market status was being deliberated. The horde of participants broiled for the manipulative game. After the up roaring game, it was the turn of wits for The Multimedia Quiz. Four teams of five members each were selected after an elimination round. It was an ultimate exploration of the technical side of the mind.
The glittering special events SHIBBOLETH & FUNTOOSH again flashed for excitement. To crack a situation is a skillful work & needs time but team work is always necessary. Five teams were elected from the previous round for Tag Team – Situation Trapper, in which puzzles & hints were to be chinked. Now it was the occasion for FUNTOOSH in the vivid early evening. The same funny events were carried out with witty spectators.
In the hours of shimmering night cultural technicians performed to there paramount with Group Songs & Solo Songs. The factions sang with the band playing the music & entertained the audience. Further, the selected contestants of solo songs from previous day were again under check of voice as part of the grand finale.
A very hard touching performance was designed by the victors known as CARBON BLACK. The rocking songs & shaky music really swung the viewers.
Finally, the day ended with the SHIBBOLETH competition among three finalists for cultural excellence. The groups danced & sung with immense power & giving the jury & audience to contemplate.
The final day was initiated with Extempore & Jam. The events ran simultaneously. Although, the difference lies in time limit & theme given. Just a minute was given to participants in jam to converse & to make ambiance as funny as possible. For the Extempore three minutes time was given in which the contestants had to utter on both favour & against the topic. In the noon, a software presentation held which included recounting software. Few of those high quality softwares were self media player & management supportive system.
The evening melodrama was initiated with prize distribution ceremony & further the winners & the best performances in Cultural Rhapsody were recurred. In the end, the vibrations of earth were heard in DJ night.
Achievements of Different Departments
Department of Electonics and Communication Engineering
· Prof. Shirshu Verma, Professor-in-Charge, Deptt. Of EC
Paper Presented/ Technical lectures Delivered
(i) Tiwari U S,Verma S “ Wireless sensor Network- An Algorithmic approach” paper Presented at Conference on wireless Communication & Sensor network WCSN 2005, IIIT, Allahabad, March 5th.- 6th. 2005
(ii) Tiwari U S, Verma S “ Wireless sensor Network- Coverage and Connectivity; An Algorithms” Paper Presented at International wireless summit , denmark held at September 17th. –22nd. 2005
(iii) Yadav Rajesh, Verma S , Malaviya N “ Energy Efficiency Design Challenges in MAC Protocols for wireless sensor network” Paper submitted at NCC 2006 IIT delhi 30th. Jan-2nd. Feb2006.
(iv) Jain N, Verma S, Jain J “ Policy based QoS Management in Wireless Networks” Paper accepted for Innovation –2005 to be held at Fatehgarh sahib (25th.-26th. Nov. 2005)
(v) Jain N, Verma S, Singh A, Jain J “ Information Processing in Sensor Networks- A review” Paper accepted for Innovation-2005 to beheld at Engg. College Kota (8th.-10th. March 2006)
(vi) Verma S , A Greeshma “ Information Path Stability and Bandwidth Management in MANET” Paper presented at Conference on wireless and broadband 6th.-7th.Jan 2006 held at OTI Manakpur
Invited talks:
(vii)Mobile Intelligence Network at NCAETE 2005 at Osmanabad
(viii) Wireless sensor network-Concepts & Algorithm at Aligarh Muslim University, aligarh 17th.Jan 2006
Career Achievements:
· Best Technical Paper award on “ Wireless sensor network Coverage and Connectivity ; An algorithms” Best Paper of the session at International Wireless sumit , Denmark ( Held at Sept. 17-22 ,2005)
· Visited Aalboorga University, Denmark ; Sept 17-22, 2005
· Joined D.Sc. froIIIT Allahabad in wireless Sensor Network
One Patent( Almost approved): “Multi access use in mobile communication using wireless sensor technology”
Department of Chemistry
Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Associate Professor & Head, Deptt. Of Chemistry
Career Achievements:
Recently He has been registered as Ph. D. guide in UP technical University , Lucknow.
He has Attended UGC Sponsored 61st. Orientation Course of 27 days (7th. March- 2nd. April 2005) held at Univ. of Raj., Jaipur and organized by UGC Academic Staff college, UOR, Jaipur .I got ‘A’ rank there for outstanding performance.
Conferences Attended:
Attended the 74th annual Sesion & National Symposium on “ Science & Technology for Desert development “ held at UOR, Jaipur on 2-4 Dec. 2004
Attended National Symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Chemical research’ held at Univ. of Raj., Jaipur on 28th. And 29th. March 2005.
List of Research Papers Published:
(i) Synthetic, biochemical, antifertility and anti-inflammatory aspects of Manganese and Iron Complexes; Journal of Metal Based Drugs, Vol. 9, Nos. 1-2, 97-107 (2002). Ashu Chaudhary, Anita Phor, Sanjay Sharma, Anita Gajraj and R. V. Singh
(ii) Synthesis and characterisation of some new 1,3,4-thiazaphospholes through (4+1) cyclocondensation and its (2+4) cycloaddition reaction with 2,3-dimethyl-1, 3-butadiene; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 1(3), 245-254 (2003). Sanjay Sharma
(iii) Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of organotitanium (IV) and Organozirconium (IV) derivatives of unsymmetrical Schiff's Bases; Chemistry: An Indian Journal, Vol.1, 175-185 (Oct. 2003). Sarabh Dave, ashu Chaudhary, G. K. Agarwal, Sanjay Sharma, R.V. Singh
(iv) Physicochemical characterization and quality analysis of underground water in Matsya Industrial Area of Alwar city; Nature, Environment and Pollution Technique, Vol.2 (4), 493-495 (2003). Sanjay Sharma
(v) Synthesis of azaphospholes through (4+1) cyclocondensation: A Review; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 1(4) (2003). Sanjay Sharma
(vi) Physicochemical characterization of underground water in Matsya Industrial Area of Alwar City and its comparison with Sanganer Industrial Area of Jaipur City; Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol.16 (1) (2004). Sanjay Sharma
(vii)1,3-Bis (Alkoxycarbonyl)-1,3-Azaphospholo- [5,1-a] Isoquinoline and Its [2+4] Cyclocondensation Reaction with 2,3-Dimethyl-1, 3-Butadiene in Presence of Sulfur; Chemistry: An Indian Journal, Vol.1, (Dec.2003) Sanjay Sharma
(viii) Spectral and Biological properties of Unsymmetrical imine complexes of Dioxomolybdenum (VI) With Sulphadrug Azomethines and Thiosemicarbazone ; Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 454-456 (2004). R. V. Singh, Rakhi Dwivedi and Sanjay Sharma
(ix) Impact of Domestic and Industrial Effluents on Water and Soil Quality of Sanganer of ‘Heritage City’, Jaipur; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol.2 (1), 27-36, (2004); Shalini Kulshrestha, Sanjay Sharma and R. V. Singh
(x) Some New 1-Benzyl-1, 2-Dihydro-2-Pyridylidenamino, Dichloro-phosphine; Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol. 81, 602-605(2004); Sanjay Sharma
(xi) Semiempirical PM3 calculations of Thiazoles, Thiazaphospholes and Related Systems; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3(4) (2006). Sanjay Sharma
Hunny Restogi
IInd Year EC
“When I look at the world I am pessimistic
but when I look at people I am optimistic”
This statement is not only a statement it is true image of today’s world, today’s thinking. Have we ever think it of why is like that !!
This is the big question mark on us !!
And only we have the answer of this question. God make people & he fill so many good things in them like an “Artist who fill very attractive color in his painting to give it a very nice look. Here good things are like truth emotions, helping nature etc. but what we have done with it. !!”
Now we forgotten all these things because now we only think for ourselves. We are becoming selfish. We have made this world like a dark well of water where everybody is ready to fill his bucket as room as possible. Means to make his gain. From this world or from people. We are becoming like animals. There is no end of all their things because we are living in a false believe. We don’t know the reality of our life. We don’t know the meaning of true happiness one thing which we forget often that :-
“Our attitude towards life
Determine life’s attitude towards us “
Means if we hate others, they will return hate to us & we forget one more thing is that
“As you sow , so shall you reap”
you know god gives us wonderful things that our eyes to see this wonderful world, to see this earth like paradise, to see love, friendship brotherhood among people corruption among people “ these things are opposite to the ingredients of pessimistic.” If all there things are going to the right direction than everyone would be happy.
Are our eyes to see these things??
So, conclusion is that we should try to change ourselves that we can became eligible to lie in this pessimistic world.
Nidhi Chandra
IInd Yr. CE
As we all witness that god is the supreme creator of this world and he has created the entire world with a great fist and passion god who is the G-generator, O-Operator and D-Destroyer of his own supreme creation. When he can create us how can we deny his will of creation?
Creativity is the beautiful gift of god with which every human has from bestowed but the field of each and everyone various. A person’s alrtity to generate new ideas or to conceive two perspectives on existing ideas to called creativity in my opinion. It can also be said that connecting and rearranging knowledge in mind of peoples who allow themselves to think flexibly in order to generate novel and often surprising ideas that are judge by others as useful
According to me the word CREATE itself means-
C – Catchy
R – reasonable
E – effective
A - appreciably
T – thoughts and
E – Evolutions.
Though creativity is gift of god but one can enhance anything if he really wants to for improving your creativity one should be open to all spontaneity and serendipity and should improve one’s visualizing power. And should listen and follow his/her institution. For any particular creation one should think of ideas coming in his/her mind immediately and then choose, prioritize and analyze the thoughts in effective and attractive manner. By practice, dedication, devotion and determination there is nothing in this world, which is difficult target to be achieved. So creativity is not at all any difficult task to be achieved. As napolean bonaport himself explained “Impossible is a word found in
Dictionary of fools”. Little efforts of any one can put the “ball of success in his court”
In this competitive world of today it is very necessary for us to be creative there is a tough competition in every field and success depends upon the fact that how nicely, fatefully and impressively you show your creativity in any field., now, is the time of survival of the fittest so to be successful and a leading personality one should have creative skills and those who look creativity are left behind so they should try to accept the challenge and need of being creative and join the race.
At last, creativity is the stage in the progress of solving problems in which imagination is encouraged to soar in the search of total new and innovative ideas.
Tarandeep kaur gill
IInd Year EC
If you think you are beaten, you are,
If u thinks u dare not you don’t
If you like to win but u think u can’t
It’s almost certain u won’t
If u think you’ll lose, u r lost
For out of world we find.
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It is all in the state of mind.
If u think u r classed, u r
U have got to think high to rise,
U have got to be sure of yourself before
U can ever win a prize
Life is a battle don’t always go
To the stroger or faster man
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who think he can
You should live your life in a
Way it is mend to be
Lived so that, at the
End of it, you
Could say to
Anyone“GO TO HELL”
Each one of us can’t be great & do great thinks but we can certainly do short things greatly.
Never be affected by critic because he is man we known the path but can’t drive the car.
Progress comes from confidence which is rested in pride and born out of knowledge
A Report
Rahul (III Year)
Nikhil Vij (II Year)
In shadow of the above thought, the buzz was seen among all the dignitaries and tyros for the most preeminent event which has always followed the traditional success. The occasion which enlightened the sagacity of competition among the skilled was expressed as ‘TECH-ECSTASY’06’.
The event exemplified a colossal view of both Technical and Cultural utility which were termed as TECH-FIESTA and CULTURAL RHAPSODY. Tech –Fiesta was integrated with the events like Debate, Creative Writing, Paper Presentation, Group Discussion, Virtual Stock Market, Multimedia Quiz, Extempore, JAM and Software Presentation. The Cultural Rhapsody was incorporated with events like Skit, Talent Hunt, Rangoli, Collage, Poster Making, Group Song, Group Dance, Solo Song and Theme Show. Shibboleth and Funtoosh were the special events which accompanied the occasion.
The launching ceremony of TECH-ECSTASY’06 held on 2nd February 2006. During the launching ceremony a brief ovating tips were forwarded by our chairperson Dr. V.K Agarwal initially and further, a prologue about TECH-ECSTASY’06 was acquainted with guidelines by our treasured leader.
The First day witnessed Debate and Creative Writing embossing the morning session and garnishing the evening melodrama with Rangoli, Collage, Poster Making, Talent Hunt, Skit and Solo Song.
Under the technical aspects, Debate is simply pondering over an issue regarding its pros and cons. To debate over a subject emanates the imaginings over the concerned matter. Debatist battled over the question that “Will India Benefit By Giving Voting Rights To The NRI’s”.
The debatists conferred in favour or in against and were put to test under stack of queries from the grandees and whole-hearted audience. Later, with the next event, the innovating ideas of the contestants were engraved in Creative Writing on the subject “Sin Confessed Is Half Forgiven”. The participants originated their thoughts on the topic given.
The graceful evening was initiated with Rangoli, Collage and Poster Making where partakers drafted a design in Rangoli. For Collage, the participants breezed over the theme “A REASON TO SMILE”. In the murky evening the events of Talent Hunt, Skit & Solo Song were engaged in recreation. Talent Hunt included Solo Dance, Mono Acting & Mimicry whereas in Skit the thespians showed their entertaining capabilities. Further for Solo Song the accent of voice was dogged & the fascinating voices were pushed on to the next round. All-in-all the meticulous spectators got immense pleasure from the splendid evening.
After the sun transpired on the second day, Paper Presentation & Group discussion brunted the occasion with technical sensation. As the life is all about surviving & making best out of every opportunity, as the rule of universe knowledge is power but expressing it is more imperative. This could be done through Paper Presentation. With the use of best technology available the contenders in duo presented their knowledge on their up taken subject. Knowledge does not has a specific identity in one turf rather is required universally. One event which is partial is group discussion. “A Cluster Is Never Pleasing Until There Is No Blast”. The participants were alienated in groups of six & the topics given for argument were completely general. All the participants brawled over to keep their list of thrust.
The delightful environment was framed with the events of SHIBBOLETH & FUNTOOSH. As all good things are done in a theme, tackling a situation in this capricious world is not viable without a team effort. This SHIBBOLETH (Tag Team) event is all about team work. Twelve teams contended the event & certain Physio- Mental Exercises were appointed to each team in fixed stretch of time.
Within the same span of time another event which whined the spectators was FUNTOOSH. As the name suggests, certain doable funny tasks were prearranged for the participants like wearing newspapers, inserting straws in hair, mud race etc. Spot on entries were taken during the event which graced it further.
The exceptional arena outshine the shadows fro the events – Theme Show, Group dance & Solo Song. The presentation of the Theme with Different outfits in form of a fashion show is the charm of the above underlined spot mark. Some of the twinkling themes were Patriotism, Drought etc. The bouncy efforts & hard work of the groups engross the audience. Simultaneously some groups whacked the stage with their dance. In between the selected Solo Song contestants were again put to test for their tone of voice & at last the ended with marvelous concert.
The third day was glorified by Virtual Stock Market (VSM) & Multimedia Quiz geared up for the start. The clandestine beauty of Tech Ecstasy’06 appeared in the event VSM, which was related to a requirement- Money. It doesn’t matter how you earn but what matters is how you manage it. VSM was a Stock market game where some prescribed data was being shown on the projector. The data was varying as the net market status was being deliberated. The horde of participants broiled for the manipulative game. After the up roaring game, it was the turn of wits for The Multimedia Quiz. Four teams of five members each were selected after an elimination round. It was an ultimate exploration of the technical side of the mind.
The glittering special events SHIBBOLETH & FUNTOOSH again flashed for excitement. To crack a situation is a skillful work & needs time but team work is always necessary. Five teams were elected from the previous round for Tag Team – Situation Trapper, in which puzzles & hints were to be chinked. Now it was the occasion for FUNTOOSH in the vivid early evening. The same funny events were carried out with witty spectators.
In the hours of shimmering night cultural technicians performed to there paramount with Group Songs & Solo Songs. The factions sang with the band playing the music & entertained the audience. Further, the selected contestants of solo songs from previous day were again under check of voice as part of the grand finale.
A very hard touching performance was designed by the victors known as CARBON BLACK. The rocking songs & shaky music really swung the viewers.
Finally, the day ended with the SHIBBOLETH competition among three finalists for cultural excellence. The groups danced & sung with immense power & giving the jury & audience to contemplate.
The final day was initiated with Extempore & Jam. The events ran simultaneously. Although, the difference lies in time limit & theme given. Just a minute was given to participants in jam to converse & to make ambiance as funny as possible. For the Extempore three minutes time was given in which the contestants had to utter on both favour & against the topic. In the noon, a software presentation held which included recounting software. Few of those high quality softwares were self media player & management supportive system.
The evening melodrama was initiated with prize distribution ceremony & further the winners & the best performances in Cultural Rhapsody were recurred. In the end, the vibrations of earth were heard in DJ night.
Achievements of Different Departments
Department of Electonics and Communication Engineering
· Prof. Shirshu Verma, Professor-in-Charge, Deptt. Of EC
Paper Presented/ Technical lectures Delivered
(i) Tiwari U S,Verma S “ Wireless sensor Network- An Algorithmic approach” paper Presented at Conference on wireless Communication & Sensor network WCSN 2005, IIIT, Allahabad, March 5th.- 6th. 2005
(ii) Tiwari U S, Verma S “ Wireless sensor Network- Coverage and Connectivity; An Algorithms” Paper Presented at International wireless summit , denmark held at September 17th. –22nd. 2005
(iii) Yadav Rajesh, Verma S , Malaviya N “ Energy Efficiency Design Challenges in MAC Protocols for wireless sensor network” Paper submitted at NCC 2006 IIT delhi 30th. Jan-2nd. Feb2006.
(iv) Jain N, Verma S, Jain J “ Policy based QoS Management in Wireless Networks” Paper accepted for Innovation –2005 to be held at Fatehgarh sahib (25th.-26th. Nov. 2005)
(v) Jain N, Verma S, Singh A, Jain J “ Information Processing in Sensor Networks- A review” Paper accepted for Innovation-2005 to beheld at Engg. College Kota (8th.-10th. March 2006)
(vi) Verma S , A Greeshma “ Information Path Stability and Bandwidth Management in MANET” Paper presented at Conference on wireless and broadband 6th.-7th.Jan 2006 held at OTI Manakpur
Invited talks:
(vii)Mobile Intelligence Network at NCAETE 2005 at Osmanabad
(viii) Wireless sensor network-Concepts & Algorithm at Aligarh Muslim University, aligarh 17th.Jan 2006
Career Achievements:
· Best Technical Paper award on “ Wireless sensor network Coverage and Connectivity ; An algorithms” Best Paper of the session at International Wireless sumit , Denmark ( Held at Sept. 17-22 ,2005)
· Visited Aalboorga University, Denmark ; Sept 17-22, 2005
· Joined D.Sc. froIIIT Allahabad in wireless Sensor Network
One Patent( Almost approved): “Multi access use in mobile communication using wireless sensor technology”
Department of Chemistry
Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Associate Professor & Head, Deptt. Of Chemistry
Career Achievements:
Recently He has been registered as Ph. D. guide in UP technical University , Lucknow.
He has Attended UGC Sponsored 61st. Orientation Course of 27 days (7th. March- 2nd. April 2005) held at Univ. of Raj., Jaipur and organized by UGC Academic Staff college, UOR, Jaipur .I got ‘A’ rank there for outstanding performance.
Conferences Attended:
Attended the 74th annual Sesion & National Symposium on “ Science & Technology for Desert development “ held at UOR, Jaipur on 2-4 Dec. 2004
Attended National Symposium on ‘Recent Advances in Chemical research’ held at Univ. of Raj., Jaipur on 28th. And 29th. March 2005.
List of Research Papers Published:
(i) Synthetic, biochemical, antifertility and anti-inflammatory aspects of Manganese and Iron Complexes; Journal of Metal Based Drugs, Vol. 9, Nos. 1-2, 97-107 (2002). Ashu Chaudhary, Anita Phor, Sanjay Sharma, Anita Gajraj and R. V. Singh
(ii) Synthesis and characterisation of some new 1,3,4-thiazaphospholes through (4+1) cyclocondensation and its (2+4) cycloaddition reaction with 2,3-dimethyl-1, 3-butadiene; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 1(3), 245-254 (2003). Sanjay Sharma
(iii) Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of organotitanium (IV) and Organozirconium (IV) derivatives of unsymmetrical Schiff's Bases; Chemistry: An Indian Journal, Vol.1, 175-185 (Oct. 2003). Sarabh Dave, ashu Chaudhary, G. K. Agarwal, Sanjay Sharma, R.V. Singh
(iv) Physicochemical characterization and quality analysis of underground water in Matsya Industrial Area of Alwar city; Nature, Environment and Pollution Technique, Vol.2 (4), 493-495 (2003). Sanjay Sharma
(v) Synthesis of azaphospholes through (4+1) cyclocondensation: A Review; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 1(4) (2003). Sanjay Sharma
(vi) Physicochemical characterization of underground water in Matsya Industrial Area of Alwar City and its comparison with Sanganer Industrial Area of Jaipur City; Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol.16 (1) (2004). Sanjay Sharma
(vii)1,3-Bis (Alkoxycarbonyl)-1,3-Azaphospholo- [5,1-a] Isoquinoline and Its [2+4] Cyclocondensation Reaction with 2,3-Dimethyl-1, 3-Butadiene in Presence of Sulfur; Chemistry: An Indian Journal, Vol.1, (Dec.2003) Sanjay Sharma
(viii) Spectral and Biological properties of Unsymmetrical imine complexes of Dioxomolybdenum (VI) With Sulphadrug Azomethines and Thiosemicarbazone ; Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 454-456 (2004). R. V. Singh, Rakhi Dwivedi and Sanjay Sharma
(ix) Impact of Domestic and Industrial Effluents on Water and Soil Quality of Sanganer of ‘Heritage City’, Jaipur; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol.2 (1), 27-36, (2004); Shalini Kulshrestha, Sanjay Sharma and R. V. Singh
(x) Some New 1-Benzyl-1, 2-Dihydro-2-Pyridylidenamino, Dichloro-phosphine; Journal of Indian Chemical Society, Vol. 81, 602-605(2004); Sanjay Sharma
(xi) Semiempirical PM3 calculations of Thiazoles, Thiazaphospholes and Related Systems; International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3(4) (2006). Sanjay Sharma
Research Papers Under Communication:
(i) Synthesis of some new 1,3,4-thiazaphospholes through (4+1) cyclocondensation of s-alkylthiocarboxamidinium halides with PCl3 in presence of triethylamine, communicated to Asian Journal of Chemistry.
(ii) Synthesis and characterization of N-quinolinium dichloro-phosphino, ethoxycarbonylmethylide and N-isoquinolinium dichlorophosphino, alkoxycarbonylmethylides, communicated to Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment.
(i) Synthesis of some new 1,3,4-thiazaphospholes through (4+1) cyclocondensation of s-alkylthiocarboxamidinium halides with PCl3 in presence of triethylamine, communicated to Asian Journal of Chemistry.
(ii) Synthesis and characterization of N-quinolinium dichloro-phosphino, ethoxycarbonylmethylide and N-isoquinolinium dichlorophosphino, alkoxycarbonylmethylides, communicated to Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment.
List of Books Published:
1. Engineering Chemistry(4th.Edition) from Dhanpat Rai Publications , New Delhi
2. Practical Engineering Chemistry(3rd.Edition) from Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi.
3. Fundamentals of Chemistry & Bio-Chemistry (In Press)
4. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) (In Press)
1. Engineering Chemistry(4th.Edition) from Dhanpat Rai Publications , New Delhi
2. Practical Engineering Chemistry(3rd.Edition) from Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi.
3. Fundamentals of Chemistry & Bio-Chemistry (In Press)
4. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) (In Press)