Thursday, September 15, 2005

I declare the Launching of " अभिव्यक्ति" a live- magazine of IETians......

Dr. Manju Agarwal MBBS, MD
It is the matter of proud that once again we are pioneer. अभिव्यक्ति a live-magazine of IETians... is a effort, which is very first of its type in all engineering colleges. It will be a platform, where the creative talent of our students as well as our staff may create their presence and whole world can appreciate their words.
I am very sure that this live-magazine will fullfill all thrust of our students .............
I would like to thank Dr. Sanjay Sharma for this new venture and its nice presentation.
I encourage all students ,teachers and staff to cotribute to अभिव्यक्ति and make it a huge succcess.Good Luck! अभिव्यक्ति .

It is a great news for us that we are going to start an online magazine of our own. It is another achievement of our institution. I would like to congratulate whole team of "अभिव्यक्ति" and specially Dr. Sanjay Sharma, who is doing hard work day and night for this new concept . Good Luck.
Sanjay Prakash Garg
Director, IET

बहुत दिनों से सोच रहा था कि कोई एसी पत्रिका हो जो आज के जमाने की हो तथा छात्रों की रचनाधर्मिता(Creativity) को अनुपम कलेवर ऒर साज-सज्जा के साथ दुनिया भर के सामने रख सके ऒर Internet के युग में एक Engineering College का वास्तविक प्रतिनिधित्व कर सके. अपने इस विचार को लेकर सबसे पहले मैं डा. मंजू अग्रवाल ( Executive Director,IET Group) से मिला. उन्होंने इस विचार को खूब सराहा जिससे मेरे विचार को बल मिला .पत्रिका का नाम उन्हीं ने सुझाया अभिव्यक्ति. नाम तय होने के बाद अब बारी थी डा. साहब ( डा. वी. के. अग्रवाल, Chairman, IET Group of Institutions) से बात करने की. It was really tough job....मन में ऊहापोह थी... हाँ भी हो सकती है ऒर ना भी. खैर मैं डा. साहब से मिलने गया. उन्होंने पूरी बात सुनी ऒर फ़िर चश्मे के ऊपर से देखते हुए बोले " Good concept... go ahead... good luck." सुन कर जी में जी आया. ऒर इस तरह से अभिव्यक्ति ( का जन्म हुआ......आज अभिव्यक्ति a live-magazine of IETians....का पहला अंक आपके सामने रखते हुए बडा अच्छा लग रहा है. मैं चाहूँगा कि यह IET Group की एक सम्पूर्ण पत्रिका बन कर लोगों के सामने आए.आप सब का स्वागत है...

Messages of Best Wishes......
When It came to my notice that we are going to start a web-page for creative writings of our students , I became very happy. This type of activities are very important for the overall development of a student. I know that our students are very talented and they will make it a huge success. Dr. Sanjay Sharma deserve a special mention here for this new venture of our Institution.
Prof. R.K. Gupta Director, Academics
On the occasion of ENGINEER’s DAY , it is a great happening for an Engineering institution like ours that we are starting a web-magazine of our own. It is a platform, where all students can display their creativity. It will enhance their personality. I congratulate the entire team of Abhivyakti for this creative effort. I hope it will grow day by day under the Editorship of Dr. Sanjay Sharma. Keep it up Abhivyakti.
Prof. G.K. Joshi Principal, IET
It is a remarkable achievement with a noble, unique and innovative concept adapted by learned Dr. Sanjay Sharma to bring Institute Magazine on the international electronic media. Dr. Sanjay’s efforts are commendable and we wish the team of Abhivyakti all success in future.
Prof. Sharat Kaushik Vice-Principal
Dear Dr. Sanjay,
Good thinking is half done, you have thought, planned and implemented, but yet miles to go ahead, lot many targets to be achieved, be and remain a role model for others and shine as twinkling star in the orbit.
Well done, Dr. Sanjay, a new idea. never thought of, talked about, defeating all constraints a unique idea from a unique mind certainly deserves to be appreciated.
May the seed sowed by you grow to newer and newer dimensions.
I wish all the best and assure all possible support by way of article contributions.
Prof. Yogesh M. Kaushik
Corporate Head – Training & Placement
SEPTEMBER 15, is a memorable day in the annals of the engineering community in the country. Because on this day 140 years ago, one of the greatest sons of India- Sir Mokshagundam Vishveshvaraiya, the towering personality in the history of Indian engineering, was born at Muddenhalli village in the Kolar district of Karnataka. Graduated from the College of Science, Pune in 1883, Vishveshvaraiya joined the Bombay PWD and rose the position of Chief Engineer. He worked ceaselessly throughout his life to bring fruits of advanced science and technology to the doorsteps of the common man.
On retirement, his services were requisitioned by the Maharaja of the erstwhile Mysore State, who appointed him as Dewan. The following years witnessed an era of planned development and all round growth. A visionary who could think ahead of his time, Vishveshvaraiya realized that there could be no salvation for the people of the country except judicious use of the results of technological innovations.
In recognition of his services to national development and the cause of engineering, he was honoured by presentation of the country’s highest award-Bharat Ratna- in 1955. To perpetuate the memory of this great engineer-statesman, September 15 every year is observed as Engineers’ Day. Every year a central theme of national importance is chosen and deliberated on this day all over the country.

Hemang Jauhari, 3rd. Year CE
Rahul , 3rd Year EC
Nitin Goyal, 3rd Year EC
It’s an old precious saying, that teachers are those flames who burn themselves to ashes to make its pupil’s life sparkle. In the shadow of the above thought, the members of our very own sanctimonious society “SANKALP”, of our renowned & prestigious college - Institute of Engineering & Technology, Alwar, organized a function on the pious occasion of Teacher’s Day i.e. 5th September’05, which was very different from its predecessors.
The Burlesque got the crack of first light by lighting the lamp by our lovely principal Mr. G. K. Joshi & sturdy Director Sir, Mr. Sanjay Prakash Garg. The convention launched the first ever Chat Show 7th CRUST to make students know their destiny makers better at the personal level. The honorary guests who umbrella the shower of questions were Mr. G. K. Joshi (Principal),Mr. Y.N. Kaushik(T&P dept. Head),Mr. Sharat Kaushik(HOD,CS & IT Dept.), Dr. Shirshu Verma(HOD,EIC Deps.),Mr. Rakesh Sharma(HOD,EC Dept.),Dr. Sanjay Sharma(HOD Chemistry Depts., Professor-in-charge SANKALP).
The anchors tried their heart out to scratch the core of each of the individual’s persona & make them interactive to the audience who cherished the show in their much expected enthusiasm & co-operation. The answers to the questionnaires were very intriguing & informative. The most rhythmic feature of the event was the poem sung by Dr. Sanjay Sharma which made every soul present in the hall spellbound. During the whole extravaganza few comic & sizzling fillers really stole the show. In the end, scented performance by dance troopers made the expressions more chiseling & charismatic.
To give remembrance of this day, all the dignitaries were greeted with mementos. All in all the day grafted the student’s desire & a teacher’s emotions to match everybody expectations & gave an evening which not only refreshed the mob but also thickened the bond which the future makers & future builders share.

Himanshi Saini ,EC (Passed out Student)
Around the corner I have a friend,
In this great city that has no end,
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
And before i know it, a year is gone.
And i never see my old friends face,
for life is a swift and terrible race,
He knows i like him just as well,
As in the days when i rang his bell.
And he rang mine if , we were younger then,
And now we are busy, tired men .
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.
"Tomorrow" I say!"I will call on jim"
"just to show that I'm thinking of him.'
but tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
and distance between us grows and grows.
around the corner! yet miles away,
"here's a telegram sir" jim died today."
and that's what we
get and deserve in the end.
around the corner, a vanished friend.

Let a dream grow. if something fires you or ignites your imagination, let it grow in your mind. let it fill you with good feeling
Consider a dream seriously,if a dream or a desire stays in your mind for long enough, its time to give it serious attention.if your drem is flying start finding as much as you can. if your dream is stage acting, go to every play you can.
Discuss your dream with the right person. choose someone who you think will understand.
Take small steps towards making the dream into reality. no dream can be accomplished overnight. as often as can do a little something towards your draem. a phone call.a little fact exploration trip. an action list.

कृपया बांये थूकिये
मैं स्कूटर पर हङबङाया सा चला जा रहा था .रोज के पन्द्रह-बीस मिनट के बजाय आज मैं करीब एक घन्टा लेट था.पर हङबङी का कारण देरी नहीं वरन् स्पीड थी.स्पीड से हङबङी और हङबङी से चेहरे पर व्यस्तता और तनाव झलकता है.अक्सर लोग यह सोचकर तनावग्रस्त रहते हैं कि उनके चेहरे पर तनाव के कोई लझण नहीं दिखते.लोहे को लोहा काटता है.तनाव जरूरी है तनाव से बचने के लिये.तेज चाल में आफिस पहुंचकर एक गिलास पानी गटागट पीकर गिलास मेज पर पटककर टाई ढीली करके कुर्सी पर ढुलक जाने से मातहत समझ जाते हैं कि साहब तनाव के मूड में है.इनका देर से आना देश,समाज के हित में हो या न हो ,दफ्तर के हित में है.मेरे आगे एक साइकिल सवार था.उसे साइकिल शायद खुद 'मैकमिलन'ने दी थी.उसके दांयी तरफ एक शिववाहन 'नंदी' पूरी मस्ती और बेफिक्री से चहलकदमी कर रहे थे.उनकी ,मृदु मंद-मंद मंथर-मंथर,चाल ऐसी थी मानों धनुषभंग के बाद सिया सुकुमारी राम के जयमाल हेतु जा रहीं हों.जब साधनसम्पन्न और साधनहीन एक ही राह पर जा रहे हों तो सम्पन्न ,'हीन' के पीछे रहे, यह उसकी बेइज्जती है.मैंने साइकिल वाले को ओवरटेक किया.दायें से ओवरटेक करने में ज्यादा समय लगता.लिहाजा मैंने शार्टकट अपनाया.टैफिकनियम को ताकपर रखकर उसे बांये से ओवरटेक किया.जैसे ही मैं उसके बगल से गुजरा,उसने'चैतन्य चूर्ण'(तम्बाकू)की पूरी पीक अपने बांयी ओर थूक दी.कुछ छींटे मेरे ऊपर भी पङे.पहले तो जङत्व के कारण मैं आगे निकल गया.फिर मेरा नागरिक बोध चैतन्य हुआ--यह तो सभ्यता के खिलाफ है.सङक पर थूकना मना है.मुझे उसे हङकाना चाहिये.मैं पहले ही देख चुका था कि साइकिल सवार आजादी के पहले की डिलीवरी है.फटेहाल.अंग्रेजी जानता नहीं होगा.डांटूगा तो 'सारी'भी नहीं बोल पायेगा.वह 'बाबूजी,गलती हो गयी' कहते हुये अपनी सफाई में कुछ अइली-गइली बतियायेगा.मैं उसे शटअप ,नानसेन्स, जाहिल देखकर नहीं थूकते कहकर हङका दूंगा.जहां एक घंटा देर वहां पांच मिनट और सही.पांच महीने की अफसरी ने बुजुर्गों को खाली उमर के चलते आदर देने की भावुकता से मुझे मुक्ति दिला दी थी.मैंने चेहरे पर रोब और आत्म विश्वासलाने के लिये धूप वाला चश्मा लगा लिया.मैंने उसे रोका.शुरु किया-बुढऊ,देखकर नहीं थूकते.पूरी शर्ट खराब हो गयी.हद है.वह बोला,"बेटा ,तुमका खुदै तमीज नहीं है.पढे-लिखे लागत हो.तुम्हैं बायें ते काटैहै क न चहिये.नियम के खिलाफ है.एक्सीडेन्ट हुइ सकत है.चोट चपेट लागि सकत है.यही लिये हम हमेशासङक पर बांयें थूकिति है.कम से कम आगे ते तौ तुम गलत ओवरटेक न करिहौ.मैं कट कर रह गया.लौट पङा .मुझे लगा,बांये से ओवरटेक रोकने का सबसे सरल उपाय है--"कृपया बायें थूकिये " का प्रचार.थू है बांये से ओवरटेक करने वालों पर.थू है गलत ढंग से छलांग लगाकर आगे निकलने वालों पर.जहां इस तरह का प्रचार हुआ,लोग हिचकेंगे बायेंसे ओवरटेक करने में.खतरा है.खाली थूक हो तो कोई बात नहीं.दाग नहीं पङेगा.पान की पीक,तम्बाकू की पीक,मसाले की पीक का दाग भी नहीं छूटेगा.एक गलत ओवरटेक का दण्ड-एक शर्ट-पैंट.ग्लानि अलग से कि साइकिल ने स्कूटर पर थूका.एक रुपये का नोट सौ रुपये पर थूके.लोग पहले लाखों पर थूकते थे .तो क्या लाखों उन्हें बायें से ओवरटेक करते थे? 'थूककर चाटना'हमारा राष्ट्रीय चरित्र हो या न हो पर ऐसा होने की बात लिखना मेरी भावुक मजबूरी है.राष्ट्र से नीचे किसी अन्य चीज पर मैं कुछ लिख ही नहीं पाता.हर अगले को शिकायत है कि फलाने ने थूक कर चाट लिया. अपने कहे से मुकर गया.वायदा पूरा नहीं किया.कब्र में लटकाये पीढी और पुराने जमाने के जानकार लोग बताते हैं कि आदमी की बात में वजन नहीं रहा.पहले लोग अपनी बात की आनरखते थे.भावुक थे.कहकर मुकरना नहीं जानते थे.'आई क्यू' लो था.जिन्दगी भर दुनिया के मदरसे मेंपढकर भी चालाकी का ककहरा न सीख पाते.लोग मर तक जाते थे अपने कहे को पूरा करने के लिये.अब मरना दूर रहा ,कोई बेहोश तक नहीं होता.किसी की जबान का कोई भरोसा नहीं .आज किसी नेता ने कुछ कहा,कल उसका खंडन कर दिया.जरूरत पङी तो खंडन का भी खंडन कर दिया.एक नेताजी ने चुनाव के दौरान वायदा किया कि अगर वह हार गये तो राजनीति छोङ देंगे.हार गये वह.वे मुकर गये अपनी बात से और जनता मजबूरन(बलात)उनसे अपनी सेवा कराने को अभिशप्त है.कुछ विद्वानों का मत है कि 'थूककर चाटना'वैज्ञानिक प्रगति का परिचायक है.नैतिकता और चरित्र जैसी संक्रामक बीमारियों के डरसे लोग थूककर चाटने से डरते थे.अब वैज्ञानिक प्रगति के कारण इन संक्रामक बीमारियों पर काबू पाना संभव हो गया है.विकास की हङबङी में सब सर पर पैर रख कर भाग रहे हैं.कोई शानदार स्पोर्ट्स शू में तो कोई चमरौधा में.कोई झकाझक रिन की सफेदी मेंतो कोई पैबंदी धोती समेटते.कोई 'थ्रू प्रापर चैनेल' तो कोई वाया 'इंगलिश चैनेल'.न्यूट्रामूल खाने वाले हेलो-हाय,चिट-चैट करते फुदकते हुये आगे बढ रहे है-विथ स्माइलिंग फेस.सतुआ खाने वाले गिरते,पङते -कौनिउ तरन ते निबाहते .इसके अलावा एक बहुत बङी भीङ ऐसी भीहै जिसे यह भी नहीं पता कि उसे जाना किधर है.वह हकबकाई सी खङी है,अपनी जगह. इस 'जाहिल 'भीङ को आयोजक मंजिल की तरफ ढकेलते हैं.पर वह वहीं खङी है .आयोजक उसे मवेशी की तरह डिब्बों में ढंूसकर मंजिल तक पहुंचाते हैं.प्रथम आने वाले सम्मान ,पुरुस्कार पा रहे हैं.बाकी को क्रान्तिकारी आयोजन में भागेदारी का संयुक्त प्रमाणपत्र.प्रथम आने वाले वेलडन,कान्ग्रेचुलेशन वगैरह कर रहे हैं. संयुक्त प्रमाणपत्र वाले यहां भी चौंधियाये खङे हैं.उन्हें कुछ पता नहीं कि हुआ क्या है.अपने आसपास उन्हें वही नजार,लोग दिखते हैं जो पहले थे.कुछ नया नहीं मिला उन्हे सिवाय एक संयुक्त सर्टिफिकेट के.भीङ में कुछ लोग प्रतीक्षा में हैं कि कब ये लोग दांत किटकिटा कर बांये से ओवरटेक करने वालों पर थूकते हैं.ये 'कुछलोग' खुद अपना थूक गटक रहे हैं -पता नहीं किस प्रतीक्षा में.देर काफी हो चुकी है.मेरे पास आफिस की तरफ बढने के अलावा कोई बेहतर विकल्प नहीं है.

जब भी गिरता है नीर आँखों से,
झरने लगती है पीर आँखों से.
उसके झोले में चाँद सूरज हैं,
वो, जो दिखता फ़कीर आँखों से.
खींच देगा वो आज सीने पर,
पीर की एक लकीर आँखों से.
फ़िर ना जाने, गई कितनी जानें
उसने छोडे जो तीर आँखों से.
पंखुरी लब की चूमने निकली,
ओस भी बे-नजीर आँखों से.
पीर है, प्यार है, जमाना है
ऒर हम हैं, हमें निभाना है.
आँधियों को सहेज भी लेता,
नीड लेकिन मुझे बनाना है.
रात भर करवटें बदलता हूँ,
नींद है, या कि छ्टपटाना है.
तू ना मेरी तरह परेशां हो,
तू, ना मेरी तरह दिवाना है.
चुप हुई रूह इस तरह अपनी,
जिस्म जैसे कि कैदखाना है.
अपनी ही गल्तियों से, उछ्ले मेरे फ़साने
लोगों ने बहुत रोका, हम थे कि हम ना माने.
उनकी सियासतों ने कितना दिया वतन को,
आबाद कब्रगाहें, रोशन यतीमखाने.
बस इस तरह से बीते है जिन्दगी हमारी,
साँसों का कर्ज, आहों से हम लगे चुकाने.
मिलके जो उनसे लोटे, ये हाल था हमारा
ना होश थे ठिकाने, ना हम रहे ठिकाने.
पतझर, बसंत, फ़ागुन, बारिश, बहार, सरदी
सूरत बदल के मोसम, आते रहे लुभाने.
जिस भी तरफ़ गए हम, टूटा है दिल हमारा
कोई कभी तो आए, 'मजलूम' को बचाने.

1.Meri disc tumhare paas hain.
2.Aao chat kare.
3.Hum apke memory mein rehte hain .
4.Mera naam developer.
5.Tera code chal gaya.
6.Jis desh mein bill gates rehta hain.
7.1942-A bug story.
9.Terminal apka login parayi.
10.Mr.Network lal.
11.Crash to hona hi tha.
12.Kyunki mein debug nahin karta.
13.Client ek numbari ,programmer dus numbari.
14.Naukar PC ka.
15.Kaho na virus hai.
16.Har din jo mail karega.
17.Do processor baraah terminal
18.Debuggers ki rani hackers ka raja.
19.Debugging koi khel nahin..

when i need someone, to pamper me through,
i just close my eyes and an angle ambles through my dreams,
with his blowzy face and two twinkling eyes,
his blushing look and a sweet smile,
he holds my hand and pats my back,
his open arms and my head in his lap,
his gentle touch, just invigorates me through,
then begins my world with new open avenue,
Now today I confess and to be very true,
Who else he could be,
none other than 'u',
So it's quite natural..........
that i can't help fallin' in love with U.
Yet i am alone, i hear no sound,
I hear no sound,but i hear cries,
Piercing ny heart,releasing those sights.
A gust of wind has blown me away,
strong emotions have made me sway,
Kicking the dust,I walk down the lane,
something hurts my heart, a stabbing pain,
I want to cry but i have no tears,
clutching me with old fingers, unknown fears,
So clearly, I remember when I close my eyes,
The accident, the blood, the painful cries.
The hospital, those moments, the funeral.
oh! why do I remember them so well.
My eyes fly open with a start,
I realize that i strayed apart,
Apart from my parents and the life i led,
i stand on the road, unblinking , staring ahead.
And I remember what people have said,
"I am nothing because my parents are dead".

Meghana Sharma C E , FINAL YEAR
as it adds to your grace,
Always smile!Don’t be sad,
Otherwise things will become bad.
A smile is like a minute ray of life,
But it is sharp enough to make
A smile can change your life’s trend,
And can even turn enemies to friends.
Greet others with a smile to create a
Good impression.
Remember your smile is your first
Smiling helps you to develop your
Personality that you can make
Impossible things reality.
A smiling face remains
but they soon forget the crying soul,
Smile a lot,as it costs nothing,
But in return pays many things.
So,if u want a happy living,
Keep smiling & smiling& smiling….

Wife: Have you brought the groceries.
Husband: Bad command or file name.
Wife: But I told you to do so in the morning.
Husband: Syntax error abort.
Wife: What about my new T .v ?
Husband:Variable not found.
Wife:At least,give me your credit card I want to do some shopping.
Husband:Sharing violation access denied.
Wife: Do you love me or do you only love comps or are you just being funny ?
Husband: Too many parameters.
Wife:It was great mistake that I married an idiot like you.
Husband:Data like mismatch.
Wife:You are useless
Husband:This is by default.
Wife:What about your salary?
Husband:File in use by later
Wife:What is my worth for the family.
Husband:Unknown virus.

Premchand lived from 1880 to 1936 and can justly lay claim to the title of the best Hindi fiction writer ever. He was born on31 July 1880 in a small village, Lamhi, near Varanasi.His parents named him Dhanpat Rai. He started writing at a young age. Initially, he wrote in Urdu. Later, he wrote in Hindi.
Munshi Premchand was the son of a postal clerk. He lost his mother when he was very young. Just 7 years. And at the ageof 14, he lost his father. With his father's demise, young Premchand took over the responsibility of earning bread for the family. In the face of great economic hardship, he matriculated.He then found employment as a schoolmaster in small village schools.While working, Premchand continued his studies and completed his F.A. (parallel to A-levels) and his B.A. He was keen on doing his Masters in Literature, but circumstances in life prevented him from doing so.
In 1921, influenced by Mahatma Gandhi's call to leave Government jobs, Premchand resigned from his schoolmaster's job.He was in dire economic straits. Yet, he gave up his 23 year old secure if low-paying Government job. In this decision, his wife willingly supported him.For a few months after that, he worked for a private school inKanpur. He could not keep his job, because he was too principled and was the victim of office politics. He resigned fromthere and left for Varanasi where he taught at the Kashi Vidyapithafor a few months, and edited 'Maryada'.
He then left for Lucknow where he edited 'Madhuri'. Both 'Maryada' and 'Madhuri' were literary magazines with low circulation, high quailty content and anuncertain future.In a few years, he shifted back to Varanasi to launch his ownliterary magazine, 'Hans'. Sometime later, he launched 'Jagaran' aswell. But both magazines were loss-making enterprises.
At a certain point in time Premchand was so heavily in debt because of editing these magazines, he had to wind up operations and shift baggage to Mumbai.He had come to Mumbai to write for the Hindi film industry. But here he was constantly being asked to compromise on his storyline and the integrity of his characters to suit the whims of film producers.Premchand refused to make such manipulations, which would hurt the flow of his story. Hence, deeply disappointed, he made his wayback to Varanasi, still struggling against the onset of bankruptcy.
While in Mumbai, Premchand had fallen ill and soon after getting back to Varanasi, he died of ascitis on 8 October, 1936.He was given the highest accolade of his time, when he was referred to as "Upanyas Samrat". He wrote novels, short stories,essays and children's fiction. All that he wrote, has stood the testof time, and nearly seventy after his death, Premchand is still one of India's best-read authors. His novels, in particular GODAN,NIRMALA and GHABAN; are hugely popular. His short stories,brought together under the title MANSAROVAR generatetremendous enthusiasm amongst readers until date.Premchand has been translated in many languages, there are100s of Ph.D.s awarded on his works every year.
There is noUniversity in India and abroad, where Hindi literature is taughtand Premchand is not an important part of the syllabus.Premchand wrote in a very direct and simple style, and his words made their own magic. His protagonists were always the people he observed around him. His knowledge of the human psychology,and his appreciation of the ironies of life made him a stellar writer.In keeping with his clean-cut style and lucid manner, readingPremchand is a great pleasure! His prose is precise, hisdescriptions succinct.Premchand lived in an era of great social turmoil for India.
He saw traditional village independence being destroyed by the colonisers.He saw how the traditional system of the Indian Undivided Familywas falling apart with the pressures of increased centralisation of jobsin urban centres. He also noted the fallout of large-scale urbanisationand the consequent materialistic and acquisitional tendencies ittriggered off. His stories and novel faithfully record and analyse these tendencies through the trials and tribulations of his protagonists.Premchand observed keenly the psychology of a child, brought up in poverty.
In his short story EIDGAH, the hero, a small boy from a poor family, goes with his relatively well-to-do friends. He has a very small amount of money to spare. Instead of blowing it on funand toys, he buys a "chimta" for his old grandmother, who used toburn her fingers on the hot iron "tava".
His novel GODAN tells the story of a poor man, bound by the society, exploited by the privileged class and his soul-destroying travails. His protagonists are often exploited, but never unjustthemselves, and retain their humanity. The badi bahuria, in BADE GHAR KI BAHU, despite longing to eat a halfway decent meal,gives it to the postman, who is actually the bearer of bad news.When the postman tries to decline, she says that she will eat somebathua saag and manage.Each novel, each story of Premchand reassures us that humanity isalive and well. That circumstances may be grim, but there is a god somewhere, and things are not so bad as they may seem.Premchand sees goodness in every human being, and hencedescribes people aptly.
The most mean and vicious character will suffer the occasional qualm of conscience, like Vaidya Lala Shankardas (AMAVASYA KI RAAT). And the most naivecharacter is not without heroism.The protagonist of GHABAN is out to impress his newly wed wife.His tale of plight is told with understanding and empathy. The reader feels a part of Premchand's stories. All his fictional characters are real.They are living and breathing. Not just, blank ink on white paper. His character Moteram Shastri (MOTEREMAJI SHASTRI), the gluttonous pandit, is as greedy and unscrupulous as Pandit Durganath(PACHHTAVA) is honest and principled.Had Premchand been born in America or Europe, he would havecertainly won the Nobel Prize for Literature and a knighthood too!
I am proud to state that we had the privilege of being the firstpublishers of what is perhaps the greatest novel ever written inHindi - Godan.So come, be a part of the experience. Read Munshi Premchandto discover perceptive yet simple writing and lucid style.Prose writing at its very best.