Ruchi Chouhan 2nd Year IT
Husband (returning late from work): Good Evening.Dear…….I am now logged in.
Wife: Have you brought the groceries.
Husband: Bad command or file name.
Wife: But I told you to do so in the morning.
Husband: Syntax error abort.
Wife: What about my new T .v ?
Husband:Variable not found.
Wife:At least,give me your credit card I want to do some shopping.
Husband:Sharing violation access denied.
Wife: Do you love me or do you only love comps or are you just being funny ?
Husband: Too many parameters.
Wife:It was great mistake that I married an idiot like you.
Husband:Data like mismatch.
Wife:You are useless
Husband:This is by default.
Wife:What about your salary?
Husband:File in use by later
Wife:What is my worth for the family.
Husband:Unknown virus.
Wife: Have you brought the groceries.
Husband: Bad command or file name.
Wife: But I told you to do so in the morning.
Husband: Syntax error abort.
Wife: What about my new T .v ?
Husband:Variable not found.
Wife:At least,give me your credit card I want to do some shopping.
Husband:Sharing violation access denied.
Wife: Do you love me or do you only love comps or are you just being funny ?
Husband: Too many parameters.
Wife:It was great mistake that I married an idiot like you.
Husband:Data like mismatch.
Wife:You are useless
Husband:This is by default.
Wife:What about your salary?
Husband:File in use by later
Wife:What is my worth for the family.
Husband:Unknown virus.
The artical is excillent. But I can say that this may teach something to Computer Engineers.
all i wanna say is that a wife deserves some importance but when a comp egineer returns ,his wife- rather than behaving like a U.P.S she behaves so unexpectedly that the engineer gets "HANGED"
REMEMBER:- girls should keep in mind that a computer may have many "user accounts" so b alert if the comp engineers switches over d other one . better keep the grip on guys instead doing anything else
see u later........
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