From the Desk of Chairman
Dr. V.K. Agarwal
It is a matter of great pride that our institution is getting recognition throughout the country for the quality teaching, excellent results and good placements. We have pursued innumerable holistic milestones in the course of last seven years with the team-work of our learned Faculty and beloved students. At the same time we should be ready to face new challenges on our journey towards the dream of getting Deemed University status. We all need to do a lot of groundwork and introspection on our strategy, our strengths and weaknesses. Based on these findings we need to pursue the same with single-minded determination. Yet it should be remembered that failures are the real milestones that a person has to face and clear on the road to success. So, there is no need to worry about such small hurdles, we should go forward with the zeal, enthusiasm and determination.It gives me immense proud to launch "अभिव्यक्ति" a live-magazine of IETians… It is a beginning of a dream to provide a comprehensive detail of various creativities of students and activities in & around the IET Campus. It is complete live-magazine of IETians, for IETians and by IETians.I would like to specially mention the pains taking efforts of Dr. Sanjay Sharma (Associate Professor & Head, Deptt. Of Chemistry) who is the soul creater of this very new trend of creative writing. I congratulate him for his very own style of presentation. I hope all students, faculty and staff of IET institutions will make it a great success."अभिव्यक्ति" will be a complete college magazine, full of creativity, joy, information and entertainment.Come and contribute to it….by sending your articles on abhivyakti_iet@yahoo.co.in.You can log on www.ietalwar.blogspot.com to see every new edition of "अभिव्यक्ति".
I declare the Launching of " अभिव्यक्ति" a live- magazine of IETians......
I declare the Launching of " अभिव्यक्ति" a live- magazine of IETians......
Respected Sir,
Thanks a lot for creating a new platform. Now we hope, at least this magazine will be a continuous feature. Otherwise every year we plan a magazine and that becoms just a HUMOR.
Deffinatly Dr. Sanjay Sharma sir done an excellent job. But He alone can not go very long without your willingness. I hope you understand our feelings.
yours Sincerely
a Student
मै बहुत ही तन्मयता से इस ब्लोग अवलोकन करता आ रहा हूँ. लेकिन लगता है समय के साथ लोगोँ की उर्जा खतम होती जा रही है. इस अभिव्यक्ति मे कोइ नया अभिव्यक्ति नही जुड़ा है. आप पुछ सकते हैँ कि मै कौन हूँ ऐसा टिपण्णी करने वाला. तो बस इतना समझ लीजिए कि मैने आ0आ0टी खड़गपुर से अभी-अभी कम्प्युटर नेटवर्क पर पी0एच0डी0 खतम किया है. अभी Infosys Bangalore मे रीसर्च एसोशिएट पद पर काम कर रहा हूँ. साहित्य मे रुचि है इसीलिए आपके इस ब्लोग का विजिट किया. धन्यवाद के पात्र हैँ गुगल महोदय जिन्होने मुझे इस पर आने को प्रेरित किया. खैर यदि आप मेरे बारे मे जानकारी चाहते हैँ तो मेरे इस पेज का भ्रमण करना मत भुलिएगा..... http://www.freewebs.com/padmanabh
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